One of the greatest blows majority of Internet users received this week was the inability to get the usual 5GB datacap onMTN BBLITED, BB10data Subscription plans. Instead some people were given just 10MB. What can someone do with 10MB on a smartphone? Well, I noticed this issue is not happening to everyone but to some selected SIM cards because I still know some people that are still rocking BBLITED at the moment. It all depends on the SIM.If you have been regular on this blog, you will attest to it thatMTN MusicPlus was among the best free browsing tweaks because it was too fast and stable. The download speed is great and in fact, we all enjoyed it until when MTN decided to stop the auto renewal. But now, you can continue activating the auto renewal and making it unlimited again with just 15 Naira Airtime.I will show you how you will gain from this. You will be amazed at the amount you will use to gain a whole 1GB of data. This is a secrete you should exploit and it will be even analternative to MTN BBLITEDthat is having issues at the moment.
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE FOR MTN MUSICPLUS WITH 15 NAIRA==> You should have at least N15 credit in your MTN line==> Send a text message by texting C to 5900==>N15will be removed/deducted from your sim card and you will be given150mb HOW TO MAKE IT UNLIMITED OR INCREASE THE MB==> Once you have exhaust the 150mb and you want to renew it, simply Send cancel7c to 5900 and this will allow you to unsubscribe from the plan.==> Now send C to 5900 to get another 150mb with another N15==> The more data you need, the more your N15 will be deducted. Just keep on requesting after you have exhausted your 150mb....
HOW TO USE THE MB TO ACCESS ANY WEBSITE/SOCIALNETWORKSjust open ur psiphon and let ur proxy server be : Set odas as it suppose to be, if u are new to using psiphon, drop ur comments below.
Created at 2016-04-02 10:46:44
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